
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Make it or Break it!

Are you motivated, have been working hard on releasing your excess weight but are still stuck? Wondering why you are stuck and what to do pass your plateau? More than likely you have bitten off more than you can choose.

I suggest you take a few steps back and start over again, start slow. Make the changes by doing it one at a time and you will create lifelong habits that will serve you well.

Perhaps you have a list of goals that looks something like this. That’s great but choose one and start there. You can prioritize them or just randomly choose the first goal, it doesn’t really matter. Just pick one and start!

1) No eating after 8pm

2) Bring lunch and snacks to work

3) Exercise 3-4 times a week for a minimum 45 minutes on cardio and 30 minutes on weights

4) Eat primarily fruit and veggies as snacks

5) Get up early and work out in the mornings

6) Limit eating out to once a month and choose meals wisely, paying close attention to sauces and other additives

7) Drink a minimum 8 glasses of water a day

8) Drink a glass of water first thing in the morning

9) Have breakfast no later than 1 hour after getting up in the morning

10) Eat something every 2 hours, small meals and healthy snacks. This will avoid a large meal once or twice a day.

These are all great goals and by no means a complete perfect list however trying to achieve all of them at the same time will be difficult, if not impossible.

Once you’ve decided on the first goal, write it down. Also write down your top 3 reasons for wanting to achieve this goal. For instance, looking great in a swimsuit, fitting into your pre-pregnancy clothes, improve your energy levels.

The next step is to make it public to keep yourself accountable. Tell your friends and family. In the process, you may find someone who has the same or similar goal and can be your accountability partner.

Lastly, I suggest you keep a journal of what you’re doing and eating and how you feel about it all. This will help you analyze any areas of weakness to figure out what changes you may need to make in order to achieve your goal. Remember, goals should always be SMART.

If you’re interested in learning about a line of natural sports nutrition which will assist you in achieving your healthy weight goals, there is an exciting promotion ONLY this month, June 2011, for over $80 in complimentary products. For further details, contact us at 647-405-4471.

To your health,


Your weight release partner


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