
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Weight and Heart Health

February is Heart Health month so I thought I’d discuss how to keep your heart strong and healthy.

Let’s start by asking ourselves 2 questions:

1) What are you doing to keep it healthy?

2) What are you doing to challenge it?

While you think about the answers to these questions, consider the following risks of cardiovascular disease:

1) High blood cholesterol reading

2) Diabetes

3) High blood pressure

4) Smoking or exposure to second-hand smoke

5) Nutrient deficiencies

6) Being overweight

7) Lack of physical exercise

80% of heart disease and stroke are preventable, so take personal responsibility for your heart by:

1) Eat heart healthy foods

2) Exercise on a regular basis

3) Keep LDL cholesterol low (by consuming lots of antioxidants)

4) Don’t smoke and avoid second hand smoke

5) Supplement generously and wisely with whole food quality supplements

When it comes to eating heart healthy foods, start by reading the labels when you are shopping! Avoid saturated fat, choose beverages with low or no added sugar, choose foods with fiber and foods high in potassium.

Eating from the 5 most important food groups are also important:

1) Raw nuts and seeds - flaxseed, almonds, chia seeds

2) Whole grains - oats, hemp hearts

3) Vegetables - cabbage, carrots, spinach, broccoli

4) Fruit - apples, berries, cantalope

5) Plant based protein vs animal - raw soy protein, lentils, variety of beans

The 5 most important herbs and spices you should have everyday in addition to the 5 food groups are:

1) Turmeric

2) Cayenne

3) Medicinal teas - green, matcha, red, white

4) Garlic

5) Cinnamon

Lastly, for a healthy heart there are 5 important supplements recommended: (hyperlink all the below)

1) Vitamin E - is a fat soluble antioxidant. Optimal levels of E are essential to protect the cell membrane of the DNA.

2) Coenzyme Q10 - is a vital catalyst responsible for creating the energy your body needs for life. Clinically proven benefits in treatment of a wide variety of cadiac conditions

3) Fish Oils - research shows that Omega 3 fatty acids promote cardiovascular and cognitive health and help retain normal blood pressure and triglyceride levels

4) Lecithin - Lecithin is nicknamed "nature's emulsifier" because it helps the body absorb fats and fat-soluble vitamins

5) Resveratrol - contains powerful antioxidants

There is much more detail I could share with you but these are the basics. If you have any questions or concerns, feel to contact me at 1-877-405-4471.

To your health,


Your weight release partner


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

10 Simple Steps to Releasing Fat

Ever wonder why you gain weight back after losing it on a program? It’s simple, you lost more muscle mass than fat, therefore regaining it back is easy and fast. In order to preserve your metabolism, you need to retain your muscle mass and target release of your FAT!

How do you do this? Here are 10 simple steps:

1) Make it a lifestyle not a diet - Diets don’t work for many reasons. For some, the concept of depriving yourself of certain foods is not healthy. Most importantly, your body goes into famine mode and stores most of what you eat as fat, ultimately slowing down your metabolism.

2) Interval eating - Eat 5 times a day, starting with a substantial protein rich breakfast. Most of your other meals should be small in comparison to breakfast. This keeps your blood sugar levels in balance.

3) Drink lots of purified water - If you drink enough water everyday, you will experience natural hunger. This ultimately means you will not be hunger or crave unhealthy food at all hours of the day.

4) Avoid all things processed - Food with sugar, flour, bad fat etc will cause cravings of more of the same. Reach for a fruit or veggie instead and you’ll curb those cravings.

5) Eat Good Fats - You actually need fat to burn fat but there is a difference between good fat and bad fat. Eat foods high in essential fatty acids like raw nuts, seeds, leafy greens, salmon, flad oil and much more.

6) Eat Good Carbs - You also need good carbs much like you need good fats. Example of good carbs are Quinoa, Millet, Sweet Potatoes and much more.

7) Regular physical activity - You don’t need to go to a Gym or buy expensive equipment. Do something you enjoy and do it a minimum of 3 times per week for at least 30 minutes each time.

8) Get enough sleep - An average adult needs 6-8 hours of sleep. Be sure to get enough sleep and to keep a routine when it comes to sleep.

9) Believe it can happen - You need to be all in mentally. You can’t simply go through the motions and expect to become healthy. You need to believe it can happen, envision it and live it.

10) Set your goals, write them down and share them - Don’t keep your goals to yourself, write them down and share them with family and friends for accountability. Accountability goes a long way!

All the best to you in achieving your weight release goals. Keep us posted and let us know if we can be of assistance.

To your health,


Your weight release partner


Friday, February 11, 2011

Make it a Lifestyle

A relatively new client of mine gave me a glowing review today. This gentlemen had first approached me about 5 months ago requesting I do a health and nutrition talk to a group he had organized.

Without getting into the details, the talk took place and he became intrigued by what I do. After months of educating him on what I can offer him, giving him a sneak peak of the plan, he decided he was going to give it a try. Now, not only has he taken control of his weight, he has increased energy and endurance in and out of the gym, is learning to make positive lifestyle changes and he is excited about his future health!

In our discussion today, I was reminded of how crucial it is to work on our internal well being as well as our external. Because if all we are concerned about is “looking good” for the upcoming summer then we will lose weight but we will find it again in the fall. If our deepest intentions are clear than we will release the weight and we will not gain it back once it has been released.

I wish you all internal well being first and foremost; the external will follow.

“The first wealth is health” Ralph Emerson

To your health,


Your weight release partner


Friday, February 4, 2011

What Do I Really Want?

We are now into the second month of the year and by now the majority of those with a goal of being healthier and/or releasing excess weight have already given up!

When it comes to any goal - health related or otherwise - the key is to truly want the end goal. If you are not truly motivated to achieve the goal or do not believe you are capable of achieving it, you will not likely achieve it. In some cases you may achieve it however, chances are you will not likely maintain it unless you truly want it.

Are you questioning yourself about whether or not you truly want to be healthier?

Perhaps you are wondering, what is she talking about? Of course I want to be healthier!

Before you say, “She is off her rocker!” Think about the answers to these questions:

Will you follow a “diet” to release your excess weight?

Would being healthier be a drastic lifestyle change for you?

Do you want to release your excess weight because you feel you need to in order to fit in?

Has your doctor prescribed that you get yourself on a diet in order to avoid heart disease or other health issues?

Do you feel you need to lose weight in order to keep your life partner happy or in order to find a life partner?

Although a doctor’s recommendation for you to slim down in order to prevent disease is an excellent reason to living healthier, if you answered “yes” to any of the other questions then perhaps YOU don’t really want to release the weight.

Maybe deep down inside you are comfortable with your weight because it’s all you ever known. Or perhaps you are comfortable with the weight because it makes you invisible in some ways.

Whatever the deep seeded reasons are you must come to understand them and come to a conclusion about what YOU truly want for yourself. Because, no matter how much better it will be for you to be lighter and healthier, unless it is truly what you want no fitness or diet program or even lifestyle change will get you there.

What you say you want and what you truly want must be in alignment to achieve success with any aspect in your life; whether that is to release excess weight or to earn $500,000 this year. Therefore, it is imperative that you get to the root of you and work on yourself inside and out in order to achieve a long-term healthy YOU.

It is my mission to help as many people succeed on their journey to a healthier being as possible. To assist you in your journey, we’ve extended our FREE offer to the end of February. For further details on how to receive up to $360 worth in FREE weight release products please call me at 1-877-405-4471.

Imagine a life whereby there is no need to count calories and spend endless hours in a Gym. A life whereby you know exactly what you want and you know exactly how to do it to fit in YOUR lifestyle. Never “diet” again!

If you’d like us to assist you in your journey to discovering the true YOU, and how to maintain a healthy YOU without dieting and several hours in a Gym, contact me at 1-877-405-4471.

All the best to you in your journey!

I’d like to leave you with a quote as food for thought:

“This is the great error of our day, that physicians separate the soul from the body. The cure should not be attempted without the treatment of the whole, and no attempt should be made to cure the body without the soul.” Plato 427-347 B.C.

To your health,


Your weight loss partner
