
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy New Year!

My friends and blog readers, I wanted to wish you optimum health and prosperity for 2011 and beyond!

Whether your goal for 2011 is to release your excess weight or to quit smoking, I hope you succeed. In order to be successful in your goals, I have one important recommendation. Write down your goals! You have about a 90% higher rate of success if you write it down. This not only makes you accountable to yourself and others but it also sends out your goals into the universe.

Sounds simple? For the most part, it is pretty simple, particularly if you use the SMART goal setting system.

For greater success with your goals, your goals should be the following:

-Specific. Don’t simply say: “ I want to lose weight” The universe and your subconscious won’t know how to help you achieve this goal. A better goal would be, “ I want to lose/release 20 pounds” or “I want to lose 4 inches off my waistline”

-Measurable - Your goals must be measurable to be able to work towards it. For instance, I want to be happy is not measurable.

-Achievable - Your goals should definitely stretch you beyond your comfort zone but if it is too far out there, you will not be mentally and physically committed to achieving the goal.

-Realistic - This does not mean “easy”. It means “do-able”. For instance, if you love chocolate and set a goal of “never” eating chocolate again, this is not very realistic or reasonable at that! Instead, you might set a goal of cutting down on your chocolate intake and replacing those cravings with fruit 90% of the time.

-Time driven - Setting a timeline for reaching your goal provides you with a clear target to work towards. Without a timeline, there will be no sense of urgency. Sharing your timeline with others will also help you to be accountable to yourself and your goals.

Here’s an example of a SMART weight release goal:

“My goal is to release 20 pounds and 4 inches off my waistline by April 1, 2011. I will do this by reducing processed, restaurant and fast foods to a maximum of one meal a month; eating a minimum of 8 servings of fruit and vegetables per day and drinking a minimum of 10 glasses of water a day.”

Hope this helps you with your goals for 2011! Stay tuned next week for more tips on how to help you achieve your goals.

To your health,


Your weight loss partner


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