
Tuesday, November 9, 2010


There are many factors to consider when you are looking for a permanent healthy weight result. So how do you know what you are doing is the best for YOU?

First of all, you need to understand your WHY? That’s right, this might seem obvious but if you are not doing it for yourself, chances are you won’t be successful, even with a program that is clinically proven to be effective.

You really need to get in your head and be honest with yourself. What motivates you? Are you doing it because you want to look better for your partner? Is it because your friends at work have been commenting on your weight lately? Are you doing it because the doctor recommended it? Did the doctor warn for better health or is it a life/death scenario? Whatever your reasons, you need to be sure you are ALL IN! Do it because you want it for YOURSELF and YOUR health.

Once you’ve got your WHY cleared up, be sure the program you are following has a clear focus on good nutrition NOT calorie counting! I always say calories should only be a guideline if kept track of at all. This is not something anyone should be expected to keep track of for their entire lives. That is an unreasonable lifestyle change to expect of someone. Personally I believe if you are eating all the nutrients you need with a reasonable amount of food then calories do not need to be counted.

Along the lines of food, don’t feel like you can only eat steamed veggies, raw fruit, and never use butter in your meals. This is a diet that most people, even the most committed, will abandon. Butter is actually good, in moderation. It’s the pretend versions of butter you need to cut out of your diet. As far as everything else, add the flavours you want. Just be smart about your choices. Bottom line, as long as you are enjoying the food you are eating, you will stick to the overall lifestyle diet changes you’ve made.

Another important factor in an effective program for you is the simplicity with which you can follow it. When my clients come to me, they are looking for what most people are looking for; support, simple to follow instructions and good tasting food. That is what I can offer. We have a team of 75 scientists who researched and developed the program, then tested the program to prove that it is not only an effective and safe program but that the weight does not return once you stop the program! With this program, coupled with the support system I offer and regular exercise, you will safely attain your ideal healthy weight and be able to maintain it for years to come.

What it ultimately comes down to is making the changes you need to your lifestyle diet so that you never feel like you are dieting but are always eating well and maintaining a healthy weight!

For more information on our program, contact us at 647-405-4471 or 1-877-405-4471.

Tune in next week for another success storey!

To your health,


Your weight loss partner


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