
Friday, May 13, 2011

Benefits of a healthy lifestyle

If you’ve ever had one of those days that you are not in the mood to fit in a workout of some kind, I hope this helps to motivate you.

Aside from the obvious benefit of physical activity like being a healthy weight, looking and feeling great, here are 10 other benefits to keep in mind when you feel like skipping 1 or 2 workouts a week:

1) Prevent Disease - There is allot of proof that regular exercise of at least 3 times a week reduces the risk of virtually all health issues including heart disease, stroke, cancer, osteoporosis, type 2 diabetes and more.

2) Look great - Improves your posture, firms your body and results in glowing skin.

3) Release weight and keep it off - Exercise burns fat, preventing storage of fat.

4) Increased Energy and Peace - If you exercise regularly, you will have more energy, be less irritated and more at peace.

5) Better Sleep - Although exercise gives you a boost of energy throughout the day, it also helps you rest more peacefully.

6) Slow down aging process - Aging naturally reduces your muscle and bone mass but with regular exercise, the loss of muscle and bone is drastically reduced.

7) Relieve back pain and other aches and pains - Any aches and pains can be reduced with regular exercise. Having said that, if you’ve suffered an injury, it’s a good idea to consult a Doctor, Kinesiologist, Physiotherapist etc.

8) Reduce depression - Regular exercise has been shown to reduce depression. In fact, some cases have shown it to be more effective than medication.

9) Stay mentally sharp - A Harvard study showed that exercise improves memory and cognitive functions.

10) Reduce incidence of illness - Regular exercise reduces the incidence of colds and upper respiratory infections.

I suggest you write out the reasons on a sheet of paper, put it next to a picture of yourself when you were in your best shape and stick it on your fridge, computer monitor, anywhere you will see it daily. If that’s not enough motivation, give us a call and we’ll help you out.

To your health,


Your weight release partner


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