
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Successful Weight Release

Let’s keep it simple! When it comes right down to it, there are 8 simple rules to successful weight release.

1) Don’t go on unhealthy fad diets - Make healthy lifestyle changes to your diet instead. A diet, whereby you are limiting certain foods and/or eating less frequently results in your body’s metabolic rate decreasing and responding with famine experience. In other words, storing most of what you eat as fat.

2) Eat 5 small meals everyday - Keep your metabolism working and your blood sugar level balanced by eating more frequently. However, this is not a licence to eat processed food all day long!

3) Drink lots of water - Natural hunger occurs when you’ve had an adequate amount of water and you are still hungry. That’s why it’s important to drink plenty of water. To calculate the amount of water you should drink in ounces, divide your body weight in half.

4) Avoid processed food - Pop, chips, cookies, chocolate bars, white enriched floor, white sugar etc. All these foods should be avoided, or at the least, reduced.

5) Eat the right kind of fat - You need good fat to burn bad fat! Eat dark leafy veggies, flax oil, salmon, seeds, nuts etc.

6) Keep the body moving - Find a physical activity you enjoy and do it often - at least 3 times a week!

7) Sleep - Sleep is an important source of nutrition too. It helps to keep you balanced and reduces stress triggers. Between 6 to 8 hours of sleep is sufficient.

8) Believe in yourself - Set your goal using the SMART system, write it down, share it with people that will encourage you and keep you accountable and finally stay focused on the end goal!

If you are looking for a long-lasting program and a support system to keep you accountable, get in touch with us. If you start our program before March 31, 2011, you will receive up to $360 in free weight release products!

Remember, “The first wealth is health” Ralph Emerson.

To your health,


Your weight release partner


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