
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First Day of School!

It's the first day of school and the kids are back to school!

Parents need to constantly come up with healthy nut free snacks and lunches that the kids will enjoy.

Here are just a few tips and ideas:

1- Plan ahead. Make extra food the night before and pack their lunch in a thermos. Home-made soup or chilli are great lunch ideas and satisfying too. You can also make an extra batch of oatmeal muffins and pack the kids muffins for a snack.

2- Choose smart drinks. I give my kids a litre of water in a stainless steel water bottle everyday. Remember our body is primarily water and the rule of thumb is to have half our body weight in ounces of water. So a 75 pound child should drink almost 38 ounces of water a day. If you need to spice it up, add a slice of lemon, lime cucumber or perhaps strawberries to the water. If they insist on juice, give them no sugar added fruit juice.

3 - Plan smart snacks. Kids need more fuel to get them through the rest of their day at recess, so be sure to pack something satisfying like an apple with some low fat cheese, rice cakes with some almond butter or some dried cranberries and raisins.

4- Pack sandwiches at least once or twice a week. It's okay, not to pack a hot lunch everyday. Kids enjoy sandwiches too. I know with my kids, they are just looking for variety! Some ideas, how about tuna or salmon or flavoured low fat cream cheese on some whole grain sliced bread or pita bread.

5- Lastly, keep notes. Make a note of each child's favourite lunches and snacks and be sure to repeat them. At the same end, if your child is not a fan of a specific lunch idea or snack, keep track of that too. The last thing you want is for your children not to do well in school due to hunger because they didn't enjoy and finish their lunch!

I'd love to hear from you with more ideas for lunches and snacks. Please let me know what you do for your kids.

To your health,


Your weight release partner


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