
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Bridge the Gap!

Do you know someone who has struggled with weight most of their lives? Do you want to help them but don’t know how? Well, I understand how you feel! Often times, when it’s close to home, you cannot help no matter what you do.

The gap between the physical and emotional needs to be linked in order for the weight to be released. You may or may not be able to help these loved ones. The bottom line is that he/she needs to do some work him/herself. He/she must identify and address the mental and emotional reasons for the weight issues. Once the emotional reasons are discovered and addressed, instead of using food to hide from these issues, the weight will be easy to release.

Don’t overlook working on your weight issues from the inside out versus the common outside in approach. Working on the outside in will not address common emotional threats which can confuse our body.

1) Fear of Scarcity: For example, in our current economy, you might be under a great deal of financial stress. If you’re fearful of limited financial resources, your body will respond the only way it knows how, by “saving” fat.

2) Emotional Obesity: A common reason for not being able to release weight could be that your body is “keeping you safe”. On a subconscious level, hiding behind a large body makes you feel safe. Discovering the reasoning behind this is your first step. Understand and convince your body that it is actually safer to be a healthy weight. Once you truly believe this, you’ll be able to release the weight. Until you do, your body will protect you by keeping you overweight.

3) Mental Starvation: If you are longing or starving for emotional attention or perhaps feeling spiritually lost, this can manifest itself as physical starvation. Your body cannot recognize the difference between the physical and emotional hunger that you are actually feeling. Any emotional or spiritual desires can send the same chemical signals in your brain that physical starvation causes. Hence, the term emotional eating.

4) Dysfunctional Beliefs: If you have dysfunctional beliefs, like for example, that you are meant to be fat, then your body will obey you by refusing to release weight. Change your beliefs, change your life!

If you can relate to any part of this article, then you know that you have a hard road ahead of you. For our support and assistance, call 1-877-405-4471.

To your health,


Your weight release partner


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