
Monday, September 19, 2011

De-Stress Your Life

Do you have a lot of stress in your life? How do you handle your stress? Is it simply too much?

If you feel like the walls are closing in and the stress in your life is out of control, you may be perpetuating the situation with emotional eating. Proper nutrition can make such a difference to your stress levels.

I won’t say that I can magically eliminate the stress in your life because that’s an unrealistic expectation. What I will tell you is that you can improve how you deal with your stress with the food that you eat!

Firstly, eating foods rich in vitamin B will help you with stress management. Examples of vitamin B rich foods are:

1) Spinach

2) Cabbage

3) Butternut Squash

4) Carrots

4) Tomatoes

5) Turnips

There are a lot of other foods that are important to our overall health and well being. Here is a general guideline which is good to follow:

2 to 4 servings leafy veggies

2 to 3 servings low glycemic veggies

1 to 2 servings starchy veggies

1 serving nuts and seeds

2 to 3 servings good oils

2 to 3 servings quality protein

3 to 5 servings whole grains

2 to 3 servings legumes

2 to 3 servings fruit

1 to 2 servings dairy (Many people have allergies or sensitivities to dairy, use your judgement as to what works best for you. If you cannot consume dairy, take a high quality Calcium Magnesium supplement)

Having said that, it can often be challenging to consume enough of the foods we need to provide our bodies with the nutrition it is craving, so I recommend a quality whole food supplement program.

The brand and complete supplement I recommend is Shaklee Vitalizer. This supplement has a delivery system which makes the nutrients bio-available to your body. In other words, it is absorbed properly where needed.

However, if you need additional stress relief, I also suggest, Shaklee Stress Relief Complex and Vitamin B Complex.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 647-405-4471.

To your health,


Your weight release partner


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First Day of School!

It's the first day of school and the kids are back to school!

Parents need to constantly come up with healthy nut free snacks and lunches that the kids will enjoy.

Here are just a few tips and ideas:

1- Plan ahead. Make extra food the night before and pack their lunch in a thermos. Home-made soup or chilli are great lunch ideas and satisfying too. You can also make an extra batch of oatmeal muffins and pack the kids muffins for a snack.

2- Choose smart drinks. I give my kids a litre of water in a stainless steel water bottle everyday. Remember our body is primarily water and the rule of thumb is to have half our body weight in ounces of water. So a 75 pound child should drink almost 38 ounces of water a day. If you need to spice it up, add a slice of lemon, lime cucumber or perhaps strawberries to the water. If they insist on juice, give them no sugar added fruit juice.

3 - Plan smart snacks. Kids need more fuel to get them through the rest of their day at recess, so be sure to pack something satisfying like an apple with some low fat cheese, rice cakes with some almond butter or some dried cranberries and raisins.

4- Pack sandwiches at least once or twice a week. It's okay, not to pack a hot lunch everyday. Kids enjoy sandwiches too. I know with my kids, they are just looking for variety! Some ideas, how about tuna or salmon or flavoured low fat cream cheese on some whole grain sliced bread or pita bread.

5- Lastly, keep notes. Make a note of each child's favourite lunches and snacks and be sure to repeat them. At the same end, if your child is not a fan of a specific lunch idea or snack, keep track of that too. The last thing you want is for your children not to do well in school due to hunger because they didn't enjoy and finish their lunch!

I'd love to hear from you with more ideas for lunches and snacks. Please let me know what you do for your kids.

To your health,


Your weight release partner


Friday, September 2, 2011

Summer is nearing it’s end and Autumn is approaching. This is the time of year that it's important to keep up your fitness routines.

Don’t let your fitness go to the waist-side just because the shorts and swim suits are no longer going to be needed! Making fitness a permanent part of your lifestyle is crucial not only to your longevity but to your quality of life too.

Of course, nutrition is equally important and not to be ignored any time of the year! But the topic of nutrition is a series of blogs in itself. What I will say is that eating lots of veggies in various colours, fruit, essential fats, good carbs and essential amino acids is crucial to your health.

Ok so, here are a few ideas to keep you active this time of year:

• Go for a run or walk on a natural trail: this is the most beautiful time of the year to go for a run or walk with all the changing colours of the leaves and the cooler weather.

• Go to the Y or a community indoor pool. Take a friend or the kids along and you can all enjoy a workout while having fun!

• Start a fitness or running group in your neighbourhood. This is a great way to get to know your neighbours as well as have people to be accountable to for your weekly/daily fitness get together. An added bonus, if you ever need a favour from your neighbour, you will have a group of people that you can probably count on for support.

• Take a class you really enjoy. Nowadays, there are allot fitness classes available which don’t require you be a member of a Gym. So if you have your own equipment or simply can’t spend the money on a Gym membership, find a local fitness or dance studio which offers classes you know you’d enjoy. For me, that would be Zumba! I love dancing and I can find myself doing 2-3 hours of Zumba without even feeling like I’m working out! My Shaklee Performance keeps me well hydrated and Shaklee Physique right after my 3 hours of Zumba ensures excellent muscle recovery. The next day I feel great, with no muscle and joint aches and/or pains.

So don`t ditch the fitness in the coming months! And, if you have any more ideas, I’d love to hear them!

To your health,

Your weight release partner