
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Back to School Nutrition and Fitness

Did you know:

North American children obtain 50% of their calories from added fat and sugar?

Fewer than 15% of school children eat the recommended servings of fruit, less than 20% eat the recommended servings of vegetables and soda consumption has almost doubled in the last 20 years?

These poor nutritional habits combined with a decreased physical activity have led to a doubling of obesity rates among children and a tripling among adolescents in the past 20 years.

Poor nutrition and a lack of physical activity are not only the root of obesity, but they also play a role in lower academic achievement. Poor eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle can cause problems with concentration, mood, energy and focus, which all can impact a child's ability to learn.

The good news is many studies have shown that when a child's basic nutrition and fitness needs are met they do much better in school, attaining higher academic achievement.

So start this school year off right. Help your child develop healthy eating and physical activity habits to not only optimize their nutritional status and fitness level but also their school performance.

Start the day off right by making sure your child eats a healthy breakfast. Skipping breakfast has been shown to have a negative effect on cognitive performance, even among healthy well nourished children.

Help keep your child's energy up with healthy snacks in their lunch box. Avoid snacks that are high in refined sugar and artificially coloured or flavoured foods. They may boost energy levels in the short term but can cause energy levels to crash leaving your child feeling sluggish later on in the day. Pack some trail mix, fresh fruit, carrot sticks, or other veggies.

Become familiar with school lunch menus. Keep a copy of the current lunch menu in your kitchen. Ask the school food service director for nutrition information and be sure to go over the menu with your child and talk to them about making healthy choices. When school menus offer burgers, pizza or tacos, encourage your child to have a salad, yogurt, fruit or milk with them.

Get your child involved in planning and preparing their lunches. When children are included in planning and preparing their own meals, they're more likely to eat their carrot sticks instead of trading them with someone for cookies.

Encourage your kids to be active at school or after school. Participating in school physical activity programs and team sports, or other extracurricular activities are excellent ways to keep your child active and engaged in academics. Studies show that schools that offer intense physical activity programs see positive effects on academic achievement including increased concentration, improved mathematics, reading and writing test scores, as well as reduced disruptive behaviour even when time for P.E. classes reduces time for academics.

Make physical activity a family affair. Be a good role model and engage the entire family in an active lifestyle. Walk the kids to school, teach kids to ride bicycles and ride together as a family, teach your children the skills they need to jump rope, throw or kick a ball, run and skate and even get involved in your community to increase access to parks, playgrounds, and organized sports.

Want to learn more about helping your kids have their best year ever?

What if our children could have perfect attendance in school this year?

What if they could get straight As?

What if learning could come more easily for them?

What if there was something we could do to help our kids have their best year


Healthy Weight Dancing Feet is hosting workshops on Children’s nutrition at

various locations throughout August and September. For detailed locations and

times, contact Nadia at 647-405-4471.

To your health,


Your weight loss partner


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