
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Lifestyle Improvements

Weight release and management doesn’t need to be complicated or challenging. If you feel that it is, take a breath and take these 10 simple steps:

1) Create your SMART goal - Goals that meet this criteria are easier to achieve because they are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Reasonable and have a Time frame.

2) Write down your goal and share it - Odds triple of your success if you share your goals because of your sense of accountability.

3) Include a reasonable amount of physical activity 3 to 4 days a week, a minimum of 20 minutes a day. Make this a new lifestyle.

4) Increase the intensity of your workouts and change it up - This causes confusion to your muscles which helps you release excess weight and avoid the dreaded plateau.

5) Do your cardio after your weight training - this encourages your body to burn more fat. Your stored sugar will be depleted during your weight training then your body will rely on fat stores to get you through the cardio workout.

6) Make eating healthier a lifestyle change - eat a minimum of 8-10 vegetable and fruit servings a day, drink lots of water and eat smaller meals 5 times a day rather than 3 large meals a day.

7) Include high quality protein as part of your breakfast - it is the most important meal of the day and a healthy portion of protein is needed to fuel you for the day. A high quality protein shake is a great and simple start to the day.

8) Take your time eating. It takes your stomach 20 minutes to communicate to your brain that you are satisfied. The slower you eat, the more likely you won’t overeat. Chew 20-30 times for a mouthful.

9) Don’t throw in the towel if you slip up!!! If you missed a workout or ate a meal that wasn’t so healthy, don’t feel like a failure. Think of it as a choice you made rather than a weakness. It’s allowed every now and then. Let your support person(s) know when you feel you are slipping.

10) Enlist support from as many people as possible! For extra support from us, call or email today to get started on a program clinically proven with an unconditional guarantee.

To your health,


Your weight release partner


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Live and Eat Green!

What is living and eating green you ask? Aside from eating the dark leafy greens, what I’m referring to is being environmentally friendly.

As with your health, personal accountability is essential for protecting and sustaining a healthy planet too! Our food choices and the way we shop for, prepare, and serve food can impact the environment. In addition, detoxifying our home environment will greatly impact planet Earth.

Let’s honour our planet this Earth Day and make everyday Earth Day by making small, meaningful, affordable and "greener" changes to our eating habits. Here are some "green" tips to help you get started.

Make a List before you head grocery shopping! – Make a list of everything you’ll need for preparing healthy meals at home before you head out the door. This will eliminate the need to make multiple trips to the store, saving your wallet and the environment from the fuel burned!

Use Canvas – Invest in reusable canvas bags! In addition to being eco-friendly, they are inexpensive and durable. The alternative paper and plastic bags aren’t eco-friendly choices. In fact, it takes gallons of crude oil to make plastic bags, and many trees are sacrificed to make paper bags.

Drink filtered tap water – North Americans buy billions of plastic water bottles every year, and every year those same billions of empty bottles get thrown in the garbage. Break the habit and use a neoprene or stainless steel bottle instead. Just get a good quality eco-friendly filter (LINK) and fill up your water bottle! One filter for the Get Clean water pitcher filters enough water to eliminate over 2,400 plastic water bottles from landfills! This pitcher also happens to be the only one currently on the market to eliminate lead from your drinking water.

Buy Local and Organic or start a small garden and eat less red meat – Buying locally grown food at a farmer’s market and growing a small herb and vegetable garden can cut down on the environmental costs associated with transporting produce. Eating organically grown fruit, vegetables and red meat is also a good way to reduce your exposure to pesticides and hormones in addition to help reduce the runoff and pollutants from "toxic" farming that can contaminate our water, soil, and air. Try fish or turkey as a red meat replacement once or twice a week. If you’re looking for cooking tips or recipes, email us at

Cook and Clean Up Efficiently– Save energy and speed up cooking times by covering pots. The lid will keep the heat in and bring what you’re cooking to the right temperature faster. When it’s time to clean up, make sure the dishwasher is "full" before you run it and use a quality biodegradable dishwash concentrate. If you have a small number of dirty dishes, think about doing them the old-fashioned way: by hand, using a full basin of water (no running water) and a biodegradable dish detergent.

Replace your household products - If you currently use traditional cleaners that are not only toxic for the planet but also harmful to your health, I strongly recommend you replace them with a quality eco-friendly highly concentrated cleaner. I recommend Get Clean for many reasons including the massive saving of money in my pocket. One kit replaces $3400 in traditional cleaners! When we first tried this line of green cleaners, after having used many others, we were impressed with the positive changes to our health. The best part was that my eldest daughter no longer had environmental allergies or skin sensitivities! This line also happens to be Oprah Winfrey's favourite cleaner, it's used by NASA and by the white house cleaning staff!

I also appreciate the corporate responsibility of the company, who was the first company to obtain Climate Neutral Certification. Five trees are planted with every kit purchased. With sales of their Get Clean line in the past 12 months alone, the company has eliminated 38 million pounds of packaging waste from going to landfills and 88 million pounds of greenhouse gas emissions.

So make the small changes to be personally accountable to yourself and to your environment this Earth Month and every month going forward!

As the Native American Proverb goes, "We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children".

To your health,


Your weight release partner


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

8 Habits to Avoid!

There are 8 simple habits to avoid or break if you’d like to keep your mental acuity and health.

1) Breakfast: Eating breakfast is not only good for your metabolism, it’s also important for your brain. Those who do not eat breakfast will have a lower blood sugar level which leads to an insufficient supply of nutrients to the brain causing brain degeneration.

2) Too much of a good thing: Not only does overeating cause weight issues, it also causes hardening of the brain arteries, leading to a decrease in mental power.

3) Smoking: This causes multiple brain shrinkage and may lead to Alzheimer disease. This is also true for those continuously exposed to second hand smoke.

4) Sugar, Sugar and more Sugar: Too much sugar consumption will effect the absorption of proteins and nutrients causing malnutrition and may interfere with brain development.

5) Air pollution: Our brain is the largest consumer of oxygen in our body. Therefore, inhaling polluted air decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain, bringing about a decrease in brain efficiency.

6) Sleep: Sleep give our brain a rest therefore a long-term deprivation from sleep will accelerate the death of brain cells. A healthy amount of sleep for adults is 6-8 hours of sleep. In addition, how you sleep is important. If you sleep with your head under the covers, this increases the concentration of carbon dioxide and decreases the concentration of oxygen inhaled which could lead to brain damaging effects.

7) Working hard: There is of course nothing wrong with working or studying hard. However, if you are sick, pushing through it and working just as hard will decrease your effectiveness. Your brain and your body need some rest. It’s better to give it the necessary downtime so that you come back refreshed and more efficient.

8) Think think think: The best way to stay sharp is to constantly stimulate your brain with thought. Lack of this stimulation may cause brain shrinkage.

Stay tuned next week for more timely health information.

To your health,


Your weight release partner


Thursday, April 7, 2011

What does weight management and Cancer prevention have in common?

The answer to the question, “What does weight management and Cancer prevention have in common?” is simply, avoid the same foods.

The same foods that may cause a person to become overweight are the same foods that could cause an excess of Cancer cells in one’s body.

It’s simple, live a healthy lifestyle and not only feel good, look great but have a decreased chance of Cancer, and other diseases. Now, of course there are many other factors to consider as it relates to Cancer. I’m simply saying, increase your chance of avoiding the disease with a healthy diet.

Ingredients to definitely avoid which are known to cause and/or feed Cancer cells are:

1) Refined sugars

2) Refined grains

3) Hydrogenated Oils

4) Nitrates

According to Michael Adams, a natural health researcher, the top 5 Cancer causing foods are:

1) Hot Dogs - They are high in nitrates. The Cancer Prevention Coalition advises that children eat no more than 10 hot dogs a month. I say avoid them all together! But if you simply must have them, buy the ones made without sodium nitrate.

2) Processed Meats and Bacon - Also high in nitrates, which also increase the risk of heart disease. In addition, the saturated fat in bacon contributes to Cancer.

3) Doughnuts - Doughnuts are doubly dangerous to one’s risk of Cancer. The reason is that they are made with white flour, sugar and hydrogenated oils THEN fried at high temperatures. According to Adams’ research, these may be the worst food one can possibly eat to increase your risk of Cancer.

4) French Fries - Also made with hydrogenated oils and then fried at high temperatures. They also contain Cancer causing acrylamides, which occurs in the frying process.

5) Chips, crackers and cookies - All of these foods are usually made with white flour and sugar. Once again not a healthy combination of ingredients.

So the bottom line is,

1) Avoid these processed foods,

2) Eat a mostly raw fruit and vegetable diet,

3) If you want cookies or other treats, make them at home with safe ingredients (ie. replace white flour with whole grain or spelt flour)

4) Never ever do your grocery shopping when you are hungry, and

5) Be active. This should keep you as healthy as possible.

To your health,


Your weight release partner
