February is Heart Health month so I thought I’d discuss how to keep your heart strong and healthy.
Let’s start by asking ourselves 2 questions:
1) What are you doing to keep it healthy?
2) What are you doing to challenge it?
While you think about the answers to these questions, consider the following risks of cardiovascular disease:
1) High blood cholesterol reading
2) Diabetes
3) High blood pressure
4) Smoking or exposure to second-hand smoke
5) Nutrient deficiencies
6) Being overweight
7) Lack of physical exercise
80% of heart disease and stroke are preventable, so take personal responsibility for your heart by:
1) Eat heart healthy foods
2) Exercise on a regular basis
3) Keep LDL cholesterol low (by consuming lots of antioxidants)
4) Don’t smoke and avoid second hand smoke
5) Supplement generously and wisely with whole food quality supplements
When it comes to eating heart healthy foods, start by reading the labels when you are shopping! Avoid saturated fat, choose beverages with low or no added sugar, choose foods with fiber and foods high in potassium.
Eating from the 5 most important food groups are also important:
1) Raw nuts and seeds - flaxseed, almonds, chia seeds
2) Whole grains - oats, hemp hearts
3) Vegetables - cabbage, carrots, spinach, broccoli
4) Fruit - apples, berries, cantalope
5) Plant based protein vs animal - raw soy protein, lentils, variety of beans
The 5 most important herbs and spices you should have everyday in addition to the 5 food groups are:
1) Turmeric
2) Cayenne
3) Medicinal teas - green, matcha, red, white
4) Garlic
5) Cinnamon
Lastly, for a healthy heart there are 5 important supplements recommended: (hyperlink all the below)
1) Vitamin E - is a fat soluble antioxidant. Optimal levels of E are essential to protect the cell membrane of the DNA.
2) Coenzyme Q10 - is a vital catalyst responsible for creating the energy your body needs for life. Clinically proven benefits in treatment of a wide variety of cadiac conditions
3) Fish Oils - research shows that Omega 3 fatty acids promote cardiovascular and cognitive health and help retain normal blood pressure and triglyceride levels
4) Lecithin - Lecithin is nicknamed "nature's emulsifier" because it helps the body absorb fats and fat-soluble vitamins
5) Resveratrol - contains powerful antioxidants
There is much more detail I could share with you but these are the basics. If you have any questions or concerns, feel to contact me at 1-877-405-4471.
To your health,
Your weight release partner