I’m sure you will agree that attaining your ideal weight and staying at that weight must be a Lifestyle change not a 3, 6 or 12 month diet program! So what does a healthy lifestyle look like? Someone who lives a healthy lifestyle generally does the following:
1) Chuck the junk - Fit people don’t buy junk, even for family members. In fact, if you want to be a role model for the kids, not having junk in the house is a great start.
2) Prioritize - Put your exercise time in your PDA or calendar. Fit people treat exercise like all other priorities like doctor appointments, business meetings and such. Do the same, and you will not skim out on your workout.
3) STOP when you’re FULL - Learn to read your body and understand when you are biologically hunger and full. If you don’t eat fast and be sure to drinks lots of water throughout the day, this should not be a problem.
4) Challenge yourself - Don’t go on autopilot when you’re at the Gym! Challenge yourself, team up with someone with the same or similar strength and push each other to news levels.
5) Focus on food - Focus on eating when it’s time to eat and don’t “munch” when you are watching your favourite TV show. Mindless eating often ends in overeating.
6) Water, water, water! - Drink lots of water. Water should be your beverage of choice. Many drinks, including juices, offer no more than empty calories. In fact, it’s the fastest way of consuming excess calories.
7) Support is a must - If you have a workout buddy and a supportive family unit, you have a fitting chance of making your exercise a lifestyle choice. If you have a personal trainer and other professional assistance, you’re even further ahead.
Bottom line is it MUST be a lifestyle not a fad. Make the changes, do them one at a time if needed. Master one then move on and it doesn’t need to be in the order mentioned above. There might even be more things you decide you need to change in order to live a healthy lifestyle.
Once you’ve made all the necessary changes, you’ll find that it is not as hard as you thought it would be.
If you don’t have adequate support or are just looking to supplement your support system, call us and we can help you.
To your health,
Your weight loss partner